# $Id: en-GB.imgmanager_ext.ini $ # JCE Project # Copyright (C) 2006 - 2008 Ryan Demmer. All rights reserved. # License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php # Note : All ini files need to be saved as UTF-8 - No BOM # Descriptive PLUGIN TITLE =Image Manager Extended # Parameters MODE =View Mode MODE DESC =View images by list or thumbnail LIST =List IMAGES =Images # Help HELP ABOUT =About the plugin HELP INTERFACE =The Interface HELP POPUP =Popup Images HELP TOOLTIP =Tooltips HELP ROLLOVER =Rollover Images HELP ADVANCED =Advanced Tab HELP INSERT =Inserting/Updating #Install Errors NO CACHE =No Cache Directory sepcified. NO CACHE DESC =The cache directory specified in the parameters does not exist and could not be created, or is not writeable. Please create this directory manually or make it writeable. Until then, thumbnails, resizing and rotaing are disabled. NO GD =No GD Library installed. NO GD DESC =PHP on this server does not have the GD2 library installed. Thumbnails, resizing and rotaing are disabled. GD DESC =GD OK. Version CACHE DESC =Cache OK. Directory exists and is writeable. IM DESC =Image Magick is installed NO IM DESC =Image Magick is not installed #Resize RESIZE WIDTH =Resize Width (px) RESIZE HEIGHT =Resize Height (px) RESIZE WIDTH DESC =Default Resize Width value RESIZE HEIGHT DESC =Default Resize Height value RESIZE QUALITY =Resize Quality (%) RESIZE QUALITY DESC =Default Resize JPEG quality RESIZE ALLOW =Resize RESIZE ALLOW DESC =Allow image resizing in Upload and Transform dialogs RESIZE FORCE =Force Resize RESIZE FORCE DESC =Force image resizing at selected dimensions on upload. RESIZE UPLOAD =Upload Resizing RESIZE UPLOAD DESC =Upload Resizing on by default. # Thumbnails THUMBNAIL ALLOW =Allow Thumbnails THUMBNAIL ALLOW DESC =Allow the user to create thumbnails on upload and on individual images. THUMBNAIL UPLOAD =Upload Thumbnailing THUMBNAIL UPLOAD DESC =Upload Thumbnailing on by default. THUMBNAIL FORCE =Force Thumbnails THUMBNAIL FORCE DESC =Force the creation of thumbnails on upload. THUMBNAIL MODE =Thumbnail Mode THUMBNAIL MODE DESC =Create Proportional or Square thumbnails THUMBNAIL FOLDER =Thumbnail Folder THUMBNAIL FOLDER DESC =Folder in each directory where thumbnails are stored THUMBNAIL PREFIX =Thumbnail Prefix THUMBNAIL PREFIX DESC =The prefix that identifies a file as a thumbnail THUMBNAIL SIZE =Thumbnail Size THUMBNAIL SIZE DESC =Default size of a thumbnail (longest side) THUMBNAIL QUALITY =Thumbnail Quality (%) THUMBNAIL QUALITY DESC =Default thumbnail JPEG quality #ImageMagick IMAGEMAGICK =Use ImageMagick IMAGEMAGICK DESC =Use ImageMagick for image processing if available. IMAGEMAGICK PATH =ImageMagick Path IMAGEMAGICK PATH DESC =PHPThumb will use ImageMagick to resize files if allowed and if available instead of using GD. Specify the full path to the ImageMagick convert program, or leave blank to autodetect (*nix systems only). #Cache CACHE FOLDER =Cache Folder CACHE FOLDER DESC =Folder for thumbnail caching. Default is Joomla! tmp folder. Must be writeable. Will be created if it does not exist. CACHE LIMIT = Cache File Limit CACHE LIMIT DESC =Maximum number of files in the cache folder. CACHE AGE =Cache Age CACHE AGE DESC =Maximum lifetime of a cache file CACHE SIZE =Cache Size (MB) CACHE SIZE DESC =Maximum size of the cache folder #Rotate ROTATE ALLOW =Rotate ROTATE ALLOW DESC =Allow image rotating in Upload and Transform dialogs ROTATE FORCE =Force Rotate ROTATE FORCE DESC =Force image rotation at selected angle on upload. ROTATE UPLOAD =Upload Rotating ROTATE UPLOAD DESC =Upload Rotating on by default. #POPUP POPUP TYPE =Compatability POPUP TYPE DESC =Compatability::Type of popup to create. Each popup type may have 3rd party script requirements. POPUP TITLE =Caption POPUP TITLE DESC =Caption::Title and/or caption for the popup. POPUP GROUP =Group POPUP GROUP DESC =Group::Group to associate this popup with. Popups in the same group will be shown as a gallery. POPUP MODE =Mode POPUP MODE DESC =Mode::Basic Or Advanced. A Basic popup contains only the image, an Advanced popup can contain a title and print icon, and allow control over some window properties. POPUP FEATURES =Features POPUP FEATURES DESC =Features::Additional popup features available in Advanced mode. POPUP PRINT =Print Icon POPUP PRINT DESC =Print Icon::Include a print icon above the image. POPUP CLICK =Disable Right Click POPUP CLICK DESC =Right Click::Disable the right-click context menu. POPUP SCROLLBARS =Scrollbars POPUP SCROLLBARS DESC =Scrollbars::Window has scrollbars POPUP RESIZABLE =Resizable POPUP RESIZABLE DESC =Resizable::Window is resizable POPUP ENABLE DESC =Enable Popup::Click to enable popup. This option has additional frontend script requirements. TOOLTIP ENABLE DESC =Enable Tooltip::Click to enable tooltips. This option requires the JCE Utilities plugin. POPUP ICON =Icon POPUP ICON DESC =Popup Icon::Show popup indicator icon on thumbnail image (JCE Utilities only) POPUP ICON POSITION =Icon Position POPUP ICON POSITION DESC=Popup Icon Position::Position of the popup icon on the thumbnail image (JCE Utilities 2.2.0+ only) TOP RIGHT =Top Right TOP LEFT =Top Left BOTTOM LEFT =Bottom Left BOTTOM RIGHT =Bottom Right # Errors THUMBNAIL ERROR =Unable to create thumbnail! THUMBNAIL DELETE ERROR =Unable to delete thumbnail! THUMBNAIL FOLDER DELETE ERROR =Unable to delete thumbnail folder! RESIZE ERROR =Unable to resize image! ROTATE ERROR =Unable to rotate image!