NOTALLFILLED=Не все поля заполнены. Попробуйте еще раз. FROM=От: EMAIL=E-mail: TO=Кому: SUBJECT=Тема: MESSAGE=Сообщение: COPYTOME=Отправить копию письма на свой e-mail SEND=Отправить MYCONTACTS=Мои контакты EDITCONTACT=Контакт - редактировать NEWCONTACT=Контакт - новый ALFCONTACT=ALFcontact A SIMPLE CONTACTFORM=A simple contactform. DEFAULT=Default TITLE=Title TITLE_DESC=Please enter a title. VERIFICATION=Verification: WRONG_CAPTCHA=The entered verification text is not correct. Please try again. MESSAGESEND=Sent Message MESSAGESEND_DESC=This short message will show after the message has been sent. For a longer message use a redirect to an article. COPYOFMESSAGE=Copy of message sent to USE_CAPTCHA=Use Captcha USE_CAPTCHA_DESC=Enable captcha verification. COPY_ME=Copy Option COPY_ME_DESC=Include copy option on contact form. PREFIX=Prefix EXTRANAME=Optional Field DEFSUBJECT=Default Subject SENDERDETAILS=Sender Details SENDERDETAILS_DESC=Optionally receive sender details in the messages. DETAILS_HEADER=Sender details: DETAILS_NAME=Name: DETAILS_EMAIL=E-mail: DETAILS_IP=IP address: DETAILS_BROWSER=browser: HTMLFORMAT=E-mail Format HTML=HTML TEXT=Text HTML_DESC=Format of the emails, text or HTML. # New in v1.8.2 REDIRECT=Redirect REDIRECT_DESC=Where to go after the message has been successfully sent. INVALIDEMAILADDRESS=The E-mail address appears to be invalid. MAXCHARS=Max. Chars MAXCHARS_DESC=Maximum number of characters allowed in the message. TOOMANYCHARS=You've exceeded the maximum number of characters allowed in the message. # New in v1.9 USE_SITEADDRESS=Use site address USE_SITEADDRESS_DESC=Use site email as 'From:' address in stead of user's address. This is necessary for some hosts UPDATE=Update UPDATE_DESC=YES means during uninstall the data tables will remain intact, NO means all data tables will be deleted during uninstall. CAPTCHA_TYPE=Captcha Type CAPTCHA_TYPE_DESC=Make a choice between the 2 types of captcha security. CAPTCHA_THEME=reCaptcha Theme CAPTCHA_THEME_DESC=Pick a color theme for your reCaptcha. CAPTCHA_LNG=reCaptcha Language CAPTCHA_LNG_DESC=MAke a choice between the available reCaptcha languages. PUBLICKEY=reCaptcha Public Key PUBLICKEY_DESC=Enter your public reCaptcha key. PRIVATEKEY=reCaptcha Private Key PRIVATEKEY_DESC=Enter your private reCaptcha key. HEADER=Header HEADER_DESC=Optionally enter a header to appear above the form, HTML tags are allowed. FOOTER=Footer FOOTER_DESC=Optionally enter a footer to appear below the form, HTML tags are allowed.